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Iulian Patrascanu Leads Seminar on Anti-Harassment Policies at Private University in Bucharest

26 April 2024 / Written by PATRASCANU IULIAN / Print article

In a proactive move towards fostering a safe and inclusive environment, Iulian Patrascanu, recently conducted a seminar on anti-harassment policies at a prestigious private university in Bucharest.

The seminar, held at Entrepreneurship Academy, aimed to educate students about the importance of implementing robust measures to combat harassment of any form within academic settings.

During the seminar, Patrascanu delved into various aspects of harassment, including its different forms, its detrimental effects on individuals and communities, and strategies for prevention and intervention. He provided practical insights and guidance on implementing effective anti-harassment policies tailored to the university's specific needs and challenges.

The students actively engaged in the discussions, sharing their perspectives and concerns regarding harassment in academic environments. Iulian Patrascanu encouraged open dialogue and collaboration, stressing that addressing harassment requires collective effort and commitment from all stakeholders.

As incidents of harassment continue to challenge educational institutions worldwide, initiatives like the seminar led by Iulian Patrascanu serve as vital steps towards building safer and more equitable campuses. With ongoing efforts and collaboration, universities can strive towards creating environments where all individuals can thrive without fear of harassment or discrimination.

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